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Dr. Attila Toth

Dr. Attila Toth

University of Pecs, Medical School, Institute of Physiology

Title: New approach to non-invasive detection of liver adiposity and liver fibrosis in patients with obesity


Biography: Dr. Attila Toth


The non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), with high risk for cardiovascular pathology and the development of metabolic syndrome, involves 25% of the adult population. The progressive version of NAFLD 1eads to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Considering the necessity of life style change, it is conceviable that the earliest diagnosis is an utmost imperative. The procedures employed in the nowdays clinical praxis in the field are either invasive (biopsy) or their usage is greatly limited for the (extremely) obese patients (Ultrasound, CT, MR). A well known limitation for the Fibroscan measurements in obese patients is their thick subcutaneous fat deposit. It is, therefore, a great need to gain a relatively low cost, brand new type of portable measuring device for bedside use: a non-invasive, low frequency spectrum bioimpedance measuring device that we developed recently appears to be an appropriate candidate for this purpose. Due to inventing the necessary developments in our bioimpedance measuring device, liver fibrosis will be possible to non-invasibly determine even in those patients whose diagnosis could only be made so far by the histological analysis of their biopsy samples.

This is why our research team, using the experience gained in detecting liver fats, envisages developing a new type of non-invasive test method capable of early stage (less than 20%) liver fats and liver fibrosis detect. The effectiveness of a measuring device that can be used for medical practice is enhanced by a clinically accurate body composition measurement procedure, which currently not available.