Call for Abstract

13th International Conference on Liver Diseases & Hepatology, will be organized around the theme “Advancements in Research Methods to Eradicate Liver Diseases”

Liver Diseases 2022 is comprised of 19 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Liver Diseases 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Many crucial bodily processes that are necessary are controlled by the liver. It aids in the removal of toxins, energy storage, and food digestion. The lack of those abilities can do a lot of harm to the body if it becomes ill or damaged. Men, women, and kids can all develop one of the more than 100 different types of liver disease. Cirrhosis, alcoholism, hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, Epstein-Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and iron overload are among these conditions (hemochromatosis). The primary signs of a liver imbalance are weakness and weariness, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and skin discoloration in a yellowish hue (jaundice).


Genetic transmission of  inherited liver diseases occurs from ancestors to parents and grandchildren. The most severe and persistent inherited liver conditions differ from person to person. Scientists today claim that liver cancer is also a hereditary condition. Hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, alpha 1-antiprotease, and cystic fibrosis are significant hereditary disorders that can lead to both acute and chronic liver problems. Hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, a deficiency in alpha 1-antiprotease (antitrypsin), and cystic fibrosis are significant hereditary illnesses that can result in acute and chronic.


The body's largest gland, the liver, conducts out a wide range of essential metabolic and excretory processes. The liver is moreover the first place where ingested nutrients and other chemicals entering via the gastrointestinal tract, such as medications and bacterial metabolites, are processed by the body because of its circulatory proximity to the absorptive surface of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the liver serves as a gatekeeper that may process beneficial compounds while detoxifying potentially harmful compounds that are ingested, such as hazardous xenobiotics.


Cirrhosis is a late stage of liver scarring (fibrosis) brought on by a variety of liver disorders and conditions, including  chronic alcoholism and hepatitis. Cirrhosis develops because of hepatotoxicity. Your liver strives to heal itself after each injury. Scar tissue is created during the process. Cirrhosis makes it more challenging for the liver to function as more scar tissue develops. Cirrhosis develops because of liver injury. Your liver strives to heal itself after each injury. Scar tissue is generated during the process. Ever more scar tissue develops as cirrhosis progresses, impairing the liver's ability to function. Symptoms of this impairment include ascites (abdominal fluid buildup), hepatic encephalopathy, testicular atrophy in men, and breast enlargement in men. Additionally, cirrhosis might result in spleen enlargement and portal hypertension splenomegaly).


Because the liver is a common site for metastatic spread from cancer and because it increases the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma, liver imaging is primarily used for accurately diagnosing biliary tract problems. It is also essential for identifying liver injuries or damage and patients with a suspected malignancy.


Hepatic irritation is a common sign in a variety of liver diseases, including drug-induced liver poisoning. Kupffer cells, monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes are responsible for the innate safe reaction that results in the provocative phenotype. Additionally impacted by the innate resistive reaction that damages the liver is the adaptable immune system.


The body's largest internal organ, the liver, is located to the right of the abdomen. It is a major organ that performs a variety of tasks for the body, including the generation of triglycerides, cholesterol, glycogen, and bile, as well as proteins and blood clotting components. The liver detoxifies toxins, filters blood flowing from the digestive system, and breaks down vitamins, proteins, lipids, starches, and medications. Bile that returns to the gut is secreted by the liver.


While kidney histology is normal in HRS, liver pathology is changed. The most typical cause of HRS is liver cirrhosis, which has the appearance of chicken wire on a trichrome stain. The results of laboratory testing on susceptible individuals are used to make the diagnosis of hepatorenal syndrome.

A life-threatening medical illness known as hepato-renal syndrome (HRS) is characterized by a fast decline in kidney function in people with cirrhosis or  fulminant liver failure. Unless a liver transplant is performed, HRS is typically deadly. However, some treatments, such as dialysis, can stop the disease from progressing.

HRS can affect people who have cirrhosis, severe alcoholic hepatitis, or liver failure. It typically happens when liver function declines quickly because of a sudden insult like an infection, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, or excessive use of diureticsWhile kidney histology is normal in HRS, liver pathology is changed. The most typical cause of HRS is liver cirrhosis, which has the appearance of chicken wire on a trichrome stain. The results of laboratory testing on susceptible individuals are used to make the diagnosis of hepatorenal syndrome.

The liver is inflamed by hepatitis. The disorder could be self-limiting, or it might worsen and lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, or fibrosis (scarring). The most frequent cause of hepatitis in the world is hepatitis viruses, although it can also be brought on by autoimmune illnesses, other infections, and toxic substances (including alcohol and other medications).

There are five different forms of hepatitis viruses: hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis D (HDV), and hepatitis E. (HEV). Due to the weight of illness and death they produce as well as the possibility of outbreaks and epidemic spread, these 5 categories are the most concerning. In hundreds of millions of people, types B and C coupled with cancer are the most common causes of chronic illness and liver cirrhosis.


The most frequently recognized cause of severe jaundice in pregnancy is intense viral hepatitis. Pregnancy has no impact on how most common infections progress. One of the hallmark symptoms of liver disease is jaundice. The differences in clinical symptoms and side effects across the various viral hepatitis types necessitate serologic testing to determine infection, and the diagnosis is made by a biochemical evaluation of liver function.


The development of serological tests for the identification of a counteracting agent to this newly discovered illness has been spurred by the disclosure of hepatitis infection (HV). Intravenous drug users, hemodialysis patients, hemophiliacs, and blood transfusion recipients are among the groups most seriously at risk of becoming infected with HV. The prevalence of post-transfusion hepatitis has significantly decreased because of screening blood donors for HV antagonists. One of the main problems with HV illness is the progression of chronic hepatitis, which can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer in 50–60% of cases


Your doctor will first review your medical history to identify any potential risk factors for either infectious or non-infectious hepatitis before diagnosing a patient of hepatitis. The effectiveness of your liver's function can be assessed using blood samples.

A strained, injured, or improperly functioning liver may show high levels of liver enzymes. The organs inside your belly can be visualized via an abdominal ultrasound by using ultrasound waves. It may show the presence of liver tumors, liver dysfunction, or gall bladder abnormalities. Your kind of hepatitis and whether it is acute or   will impact your treatment options.


A liver transplant is a procedure in which a donor's partial or whole liver is used to replace the sick heart in a patient. Biliary atresia is an uncommon disorder that affects newborn infants and results in the absence or obstruction of the common bile ducts, which transport bile from the liver and are located between the liver and small intestine. People who are obese are subjected to various forms of  bariatric surgery. The liver can be examined microscopically to get a tissue sample that could be used to identify liver disease. A large needle is used to retrieve a sample of tissue from the liver during a biopsy, which is then analyzed in a lab.


  • Track 13-1Liver Biopsy
  • Track 13-2Bariatric surgery
  • Track 13-3Living donor transplantation
  • Track 13-4Graft rejection
  • Track 13-5Immunosuppressive management

An innovative strategy being investigated in this situation is cell therapy. The primary cells of the liver parenchyma, hepatocytes oversee preserving liver health. They can come from one of three places. Hepatocytes can multiply on their own in a healthy liver to rebuild the functional liver mass, a process that may not be working properly in cirrhosis. Second, there are cells in the liver called hepatic progenitor cells that have the capacity to multiply and develop into hepatocytes.


  • Track 14-1Advanced Cell Therapy
  • Track 14-2Differentiation of Hepatocytes
  • Track 14-3Biochemistry in Liver Development
  • Track 14-4Transplantation of Cells

Pediatric gastroenterologists, hepatologists, dietitians, clinicians, and nurses make up the Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition team, which is committed to aid children with simple or serious digestive, liver, and nutritional issues. The Gastroenterology Division's objectives are to provide patients with gastrointestinal and liver disorders with exemplary medical care, to teach gastroenterology, and to conduct cutting-edge biomedical research to advance our understanding of digestive diseases.


Getting the hepatitis immunizations is the best approach to avoid hepatitis. All people should get vaccinated because it is both safe and effective. Since the hepatitis C virus was discovered more than 20 years ago, research has been conducted to create a vaccine. Compared to the viruses that cause hepatitis A and hepatitis B, the hepatitis C virus is more varied. There are 50 different subtypes of the hepatitis C virus, with at least six genetically unique forms. A universal vaccination would need to offer defense against each of these viral variations.


The most well-known kind of adult essential liver growth and the most common cause of death in cirrhotic people is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It occurs when the liver is constantly becoming worse and is most strongly linked to chronic viral hepatitis infection (hepatitis B or C) or exposure to toxins like alcohol or aflatoxin. Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency and hemochromatosis are two conditions that increase the risk of treating HCC. Similar to other malignancies, HCC therapy and prognosis depend on the characteristics of the, tumor's histology measurement, extent of growth, and overall health.


A tiny needle is injected into the liver during a liver biopsy to get a tissue sample from the organ. This can be done in a doctor's office, as an outpatient operation, or even during surgery. The tissue is then examined in a lab to assist medical professionals in identifying several liver illnesses and abnormalities. Obtaining a liver biopsy often involves no difficulties. However, internal hemorrhage and bile leaks from the liver or gallbladder might happen seldom.


  • Track 18-1Percutaneous liver biopsy
  • Track 18-2Transvenous liver biopsy
  • Track 18-3Laparoscopic liver biopsy

Surgical procedure to remove the liver permanently or temporarily is referred as a liver resection. It is also known as a full or partial hepatectomy. When a diseased liver is removed from a deceased donor after a transplant, the procedure is known as a complete liver resection (cadaver). Additionally, a portion of liver tissue obtained by a partial hepatectomy can be given by a living donor. Either a conventional open procedure or a minimally invasive technique can also be used to carry out the surgery.